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Your Recovery Team supports people to build a life of recovery from addiction, domestic violence and mental illness

People who have decided to put addiction behind them, often feel embarrassed, alone and lost, leading them to further isolation and disconnection from friends, family and community.

Your Recovery Team is a small team of passionate individuals who have come together in Muloobinba Newcastle to create a community where people in recovery from addiction, people living in sobriety, and those contemplating sobriety can learn, share and support one another on their sobriety journey.

Talk to us about

Your Recovery goal setting

Your Recovery tools

Your Recovery Support Team

Your Recovery Lived Experience Speaker

Our Team

As we are still in the early days of our inception, our current team consists of Emma and Scott.


Scott O'Connor


Emma Giles



One thing that we are super big on is connection - we would love to connect with you all and create an opportunity for you to connect with one another. Please follow us on social media to help our goal come to fruition.

To make contact with us send us an email and we'll get right back to you as soon as we can.

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